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Miss Wheelersburg - Shelby Hammond

My name is Shelby Hammond and I am Miss Wheelersburg 2024. I am 17 years old and currently a junior at Wheelersburg High School. I am the daughter of Micah Riffe and Tyler Hammond. My activities include soccer, cheerleading, key club, and I am on the A/B Honor Roll. I am an active Wheelersburg Cornerstone Nazarene member and passionate about my faith. My platform is titled “Attacking Addiction,” focusing on substance abuse and the effects it has on kids and families. I am dedicated to breaking the stigma around addiction, and hope that it empowers others to take a positive stand against this national crisis, at home and in our communities.






The contestant with the most money turned in for People’s Choice this year will be awarded 1⁄2 of the amount of money she raised in the form of a scholarship!

The People's Choice Award will be announced during crowning.

Portsmouth River Days is operated by Friends of Portsmouth, a registered 501c3.

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