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My name is Emily Cram and I am your 2023 Miss River Days Queen.  I would like to extend this invitation to you, your queen, and court to join us Labor Day weekend for our 61st Annual Portsmouth River Days Festival. We hope you are able to join my court and I, along with our Junior Court and Queen’s Committee for amazing food, friendship and door prizes!

Our grand parade steps off promptly at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 31st.   All visiting queens are scheduled to be in the front of our parade to allow for an easier transition to the Queen’s Luncheon.  Please plan to arrive no later than 10:30 a.m.  For those who have been with us in years past, you will be pleased to know that we have moved the staging area for visiting queens. Therefore, you will not have to brave the congestion of the parade masses.  We ask that you arrive via the Young Street viaduct and begin line up on Harmon Street. There will be someone from the queen’s committee to greet you.  If you are using Google Maps, enter Mechanical Construction for accurate directions. Your Junior Court is also welcome to attend.  There is no additional cost for parade entries.

At the end of the parade route, you will proceed to 201 2nd Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662.    You may park floats down Front Street close to the sidewalk (opposite side of floodwall) close to 3 Bridges Park.  Additional parking is across the street at Scioto County Welcome Center.  The luncheon is scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. with the doors opening to the event at 12:30 p.m. Your OFEA Queen will receive a free lunch and charm. All others attending will be $20.00 per person.   Please make checks payable to “Friends of Portsmouth.”


In honor of our 61st celebration, our reigning queen, her court and all visiting queens will proceed to the soundstage at the River Days Festival on 4th Street and announce themselves between 3:30-4pm. You may online or mail a check.  Can't wait to see you on the 31st!

For additional information, feel free to contact us via email at or call Regina Speas at 740-357-0663. 

Charms $5 and Buttons $2 will be available at the Queen's Luncheon.

Queens' Luncheon Ticket

  • Convenience Fee Included in Price

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(c) 2016-2025, Created by Portsmouth River Days Inc., An Official OFEA Festival

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